Frequently asked Questions


You can purchase stuff from our well curated selection of digital goods from video games at . Right now, we provide CS 2 skins for sale.

After you choose your desired skins, you can go through the checkout process and initiate a purchase. Due to quickly changing availability and supply, after a successful purchase, we’ll first need to verify that all skins are available for you. After the verification is done, you will get the notification and skins will be transferred to your Steam Wallet.

Up to 8 days may pass. This is a result of the Trade Restrictions that Valve imposed in 2016. Trading and Market Restrictions has further information on it.

Yes. Skins for CS 2 are kept on Steam accounts. You must have a Steam account that is allowed to trade in order for us to provide the skin(s) you ordered.

You can make a request by emailing [email protected]. Please read our Refund Policy before filing a refund request.


By sending an email to [email protected], you can ask to see your personal data. Your data will be provided to you in file that may be downloaded. Please note that by requesting information about your stored personal data, the data is not deleted from AlphaStrike’s servers. Please further note that your data file might not contain the changes made to your data between the request and the archive creation.

If you would like to request a full deletion of your personal data from the AlphaStrike servers, please send us an email to [email protected]. The deletion of your personal data will be processed as per GDPR Article 17.